Explore various career facilitation services, specially designed to help our Grab partners to be career-ready.
Profiling Tool
CV Builder
Career Facilitation Workshop
Upskilling / Placement Opportunities
Profiling Tool
Are you looking to take the next step in your career?
Or are you interested in learning new skills but unsure where to start?
Take the GrabAcademy Profiling Tool and unlock career possibilities!
This simple quiz will help you to identify different types of industries, job roles and relevant courses you’ll love. Get personalised guidance to upskill & pursue your dream job!
Fret not! Key in your skills, past work experiences & educational background into our CV Builder Tool. We’ll help to generate a nicely-designed CV for you!
“One of the challenge I faced was to write an authentic resume, and at the same time, responding to the job role.
The career facilitation helps me to improve and highlight the key sections in my resume.”
Delivery-partner, 45
“During the career facilitation workshop, I had a chance to meet new people and gained tips on finding job. This is good to assist gig workers like me to integrate back to corporate industry.”
Delivery-partner, 36
“Grab introduced me to many upskilling courses to help me improve myself. I was also introduced to jobs and skills that will help me get the job I want.”